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Ori Tahiti

Ori Tahiti, which literally means "Tahitian Dance", is an original artistic expression rooted in ancient traditions.

Originally, Ori Tahiti was the artistic movement of a civilization that depended exclusively on oral tradition. The only element of this art which has survived centuries of turbulent history is the direct and intimate link between oral language and the dance movement. Because of this correlation, the foundation of Tahitian dance today remains a direct link between the Tahitian language and choreographic art.

The spectator is captured by the characteristic movements of the dance, the costumes, the music, the percussions and the joy of dancing, and is transported on a journey through the history of the islands. Ori Tahiti is a set of spontaneous and authentic beauty, simplicity and rigor, laughter and emotions, it is the search for the deepest harmony.

The posture, the muscular firmness, the movement, the look, the gesture, the pause but also the consciousness of the rhythm, the words and the story that is told are all elements that distinguish this dance and make it unique.


Dancing has a ubiquitous place in Polynesian society, associated with music and celebration. It has always been an integral part of religious events but it was also performed spontaneously to celebrate a moment of joy, the end of work, the arrival of an important personality etc. It is still a means to externalize feelings, a way of making the body speak to transcend words, a hymn to beauty, to joy, to pleasure.

When you dance, you enter a journey in which everything is connected: what you say, what you see, what you feel ... Enter the deepest part of you and with this dance, take a journey. This journey is your dance with the universe.

Makau Foster


Quando balli, entri in un viaggio in cui tutto è connesso: cosa dici, cosa vedi, cosa senti ... Entri nella parte più profonda di te e con questa danza, intraprendi un viaggio. Questo viaggio è la tua danza con l'universo.

Makau Foster

Here there are many noises. The rhythm of the waves that beat on the coral reef, the rhythm of the [...] wind that hits the walls of the valley back and forth, gives a special rhythm that mimics the sound of the drums and naturally the child's hips begin to move. I really think that this is where our dance is born. Isn't the rhythm of nature what is really true? This is what created our special way of dancing. "

Madaleine Mou'a

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